Multimodal neuropsychiatric imaging

Priv. Doz. Dr. med. Christian Sorg
Head of AG Multimodal Neuropsychiatric Imaging

Head: PD Dr. med. Christian Sorg, Dr. med. Felix Brandl Ph.D.
Work areas
- Multimodal imaging of brain development disorders along the lifespan
- Focus on schizophrenia
- Focus on prematurity
- Multimodal imaging of the glymphatic system: Physiology and brain developmental disorders
- Multimodal imaging and neurocognitive experiments on reward-based learning and decision making
- Meta-analyses of imaging studies of psychiatric disorders
Current projects
- Striatal dopamine in psychosis and psychotic remission and its relevance for cognitive difficulties in schizophrenia: a longitudinal 18F-DOPA-PET/fMRI hybrid imaging study (DFG)
- Beyond dopamine transmission - imaging the dopamine system from psychosis to psychotic remission in schizophrenia: a longitudinal study focusing on MRI-based outcomes validated by 18F-DOPA PET (DFG)
- Aging after preterm birth (EU)
- Imaging the glymphatic system
- Bavarian Development Study; Prof. Dieter Wolke, University of Warwick, Prof. Peter Bartmann, University of Bonn (
Team members
Julia Schulz MSc (PhD student)
Melissa Thalhammer MSc (PhD student)
Taylor Barda (PhD student)
Sevilay Ayyildiz (PhD student)
Paula Roßmüller (PhD student)
Moritz Bonhoeffer (PhD student)
Vikor Neumaier (PhD student)
Jil Wendt (PhD student)
Paula Hippen (MSc student)